Sponsoring the Podcast

Three Brothers Talking can reach out to several hundred followers with each podcast episode. We want to partner with companies and creators who share our passion for what we do (and we for what they do). We’d love to explore any opprtunities for sponsorship that might be mutually beneficial. Large or small, just reach out and we can discuss!

Use the Contact page or email us at 3brotherstalking@gmail.com to sponsor an episode. You can even (potentially) choose a topic you would like us to discuss.

Disclaimer: The brothers have the right to not discuss a topic should it not promote the shows values.

Sponsorships will be accepted in the following methods. This is not an exhaustive list. Be creative:

  • Bouron and Fancy Drinks
  • Monetary Sponsorships
  • Books
  • Food
  • Equipment for the cast
Website cover photos (4)