Race, Relationships, Brotherhood, Reconciliation, George Floyd, and the Gospel (With Special Guests)

Special Guests for the first time on the podcast!

The brothers host guests for the first time. Steven, Lawrence, and Doug, join us to talk about race, ethnicity, brotherhood, fellowship in the gospel, overcoming hostility or estrangement in the local church, dealing with social issues together, and more. This episode is just 6 friends talking about these things together. We will say things clumsily, awkwardly, or imperfectly, but we want to talk about these topics together, and we want to lead the conversation from the scriptures and the gospel above all. We wanted to be about unity, hearing one another, loving one another, and making sure we strive for the unity.

So thankful for our guests, their insights, their wisdom, and how they helped us grow! Give us your thoughts about this episode, or questions you would want us to tackle. Please share this episode. We want to push the topic farther in a helpful, gospel, and beneficial direction!


Please note that these recommendations are not exhaustive, nor are they meant to be. We don’t agree with everything said in every sentence or webpage, but we think that, on the whole, they are helpful.