Our Manliest Episode Ever | Episode 28

Hot Takes: Our Manliest Episode Ever

We love MuskOx: the shirts, the flannels, the hats, all of it! Go and support us by using the code BROTHERS15 for a discount at gomuskox.com! It’s available through all of March, but use it now rather than later! Their clothes are fantastic gifts.

Miraculously, the brothers find themselves back into the same room to record an episode. For 28, we wade into the latest twitter controversy—which, by the time this episode realeases, will be long forgotten and thereby replaced with countless new twitter controversies.

We, somewhat unplanned, look into the idea of manliness, Owen Strachan, Christians being horrible representations of Christ on twitter, and our lack of tolerance for (at best) 5th tier doctrines and Christian ideas. 

If anything we say in this podcast is confusing, unclear, or wrong, please let us know! We are a podcast ready and willing to read and interact with our listeners and their ideas. It’s one of our core goals: don’t take yourself too seriously.

Enjoy this ep!
